Volkswagen is the world’s most sustainable automotive group

Volkswagen is the world’s most sustainable automotive group

 The Volkswagen Group has again been listed as the most sustainable automaker in the world’s leading sustainability ranking. As in 2013, RobecoSAM AG again classed the company as the Industry Group Leader in the automotive sector in this year’s review of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). Volkswagen is thus one of only two automakers to be listed in both DJSI World and DJSI Europe. For investors, the Dow Jones Sustainability Index is the most significant benchmark for measuring the development of the world’s most sustainable companies. The review analyzed the corporate performance of a total of 33 automotive companies, seven of them from Europe. Volkswagen took pole position with a total of 91 out of 100 possible points. Economic sustainability was awarded 93 points, social sustainability 91 points, and ecological sustainability 89 points.

OneShift Editorial Team
OneShift Editorial Team
16 Sep 2015

Full marks were awarded to Volkswagen in the areas of codes of conduct, compliance and anti-corruption as well as innovation management, climate strategy and life cycle assessment. The Group is also the industry benchmark for supplier management and environmental reporting. Furthermore, significant progress has been made in human capital development, occupational health and safety, tax strategy and talent attraction.

The experts from RobecoSAM highlighted achievements such as the fact that “sustainability is the foundation of Volkswagen’s corporate policy” and that “the company’s success has gone hand in hand with an increase in the number and development of employees.” Once again in 2014, the Volkswagen Group “invested in new model research and development, and in innovative technologies, which by 2019 will contribute towards developing more efficient vehicles, alternative powertrains, and more environmentally compatible production.”

Credits: Oneshift News Team

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