Good News For New Car Buyers In First COE Bidding Exercise of 2024
Cat A and B COEs experience substantial drops of S$20k and S$25k respectively.

The latest premium for Category A cars, or those 1,600cc and below with horsepower not exceeding 130bhp closed at S$65,010, a decrease of S$19,990 from the previous tender.
Premiums for large cars in Category B (above 1,600cc or 97kW) ended lower at S$85,010, a decrease of S$24,991 from the previous result.
COEs for commercial vehicles, including goods vehicles and buses, decreased by S$1,824 to S$67,599.
In the motorcycle category, the premium experienced an increase of S$112, to S$9,114.
In the open category (Category E), which can be used for any type of vehicles but often end up being used for big cars, premiums decreased by S$12,000, to S$106,388.
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